In the follow-up of Earth Day 2023, the Green Sports Hub Europe partnership has launched a new self-assessment tool for sports organisations to understand and improve their environmental impact with over 50 organisations taking part so far.
The Green Sports Hub Europe – a three-year Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership, proudly launches their Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool which will help sports organisations understand and improve their environmental impact. Over 50 organisations are taking part so far!
Sport, in various forms, has been constantly evolving and has taken huge leaps of innovation both in commercial practices and athletic performance. However, this great evolution of expansion and innovation also involves an increased impact on the environment. That is why we launched the Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool. We are happy to discover that more than 50 organisations have already taken the self-assessment to help improve their understanding of how their organisation impacts the world around us.
As we all want to play our part in reducing our impact on the planet, it’s difficult to assess our own environmental and climate performance. We need to consider issues including waste, mobility, biodiversity, energy, resources and much more – but what are the solutions?
The Sustainability Self-Assessment tool can help you to better understand your own impact on the environment, and how this can be mitigated, focusing on six modules:
Event Management | Governance | Facilities |
Natural Environment | Resource Management | Host/Venue selection |
Either as a beacon of excellence or a newcomer to the world of sustainability – the time is now for sport entities to embark on this journey!